Tag Archives: running shoes

When 6:30 comes too early

This week has been tough for running. My bed has been way to comfortable and the desire to get up and get moving seems to be completely gone.

Last week, while I was still all gung-ho about my new routine, I found a few online forums and such in which someone posed the question, “Why do you run?” It’s a question that I’ve been thinking about since.

Very few of the answers people provided rang true for myself. Not that I couldn’t agree with most of them. A lot of them cited running for health reasons. Most mentioned how wonderful they feel after a run. A lot of them claimed to love the actual act itself, the movement and freedom they find in it.

That’s all well and good, and I’d say I run for quite a few of those reasons as well. But I think the main driver behind me getting out of bed in the morning and putting on my running shoes is far less positive and, as a result, probably far less healthy.

I think I run out of guilt.

I run because, if I don’t, when M or one of my co-workers happens to ask how my morning run was, I’d have to tell them I didn’t go. If I don’t, my $200 running shoes will stay clean and white. If I don’t, I’ll have gained forty-five minutes of sleep and lost a day or week of self-respect as I see my discipline failing once again.

How’s that for dangerous motivations behind exercise?

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The maiden voyage of the ASICS

I took my new ASICS for a run last night. It was a tough run for a couple reasons:

1. I started off way too excited about my new shoes, so when I left my house to jog to my boyfriends house to collect him, I took the 0.5km way to fast and arrived winded and already tired. Got to rest some while he finished his supper, but still.

2. We started with the huge hill.  I barely made it up.  I can usually make it up with only some difficulty, but this time, it nearly defeated me.

3. My neighbourhood is extremely hilly.  That, and it all looks the same, so you come around a curve and you think you’re going to hit a landmark, but all you see is another curve and your landmark is probably two or three curves away. It’s hard, thinking you’re almost at the end all the time when you really aren’t.

4. (Whine warning) I’m siiiiick.  Okay, today I’m feeling whiny about it.  Yesterday I was doing OK. I believe I have strep throat, but I haven’t had it diagnosed properly by a proper doctor or anything. But, it’s been causing me pain for the past 9 days now and there is a white spot right at the back of my throat, glistening in a way that only bacteria can glisten. It’s obviously not extremely sever. I can still eat and talking isnt difficult, though every time I swallow I have to think about it a little and it huuurts. I thought it was pretty much gone yesterday, but it ended up slowing my down quite a bit on the run. And I guess I weakened my immune system just enough to let the disease make some gains again overnight.

Anyway, enough about my whining about my lack of physical fitness.  The shoes!

Were comfortable. Almost extremely so except that I tied one of them way too tight and so my toes went numb. And, while running with my old pair of shoes, I injured my feet slightly, so my arches hurt. I could still feel it last night in the new shoes, but I suspect that’s just something I have to allow to heal. Today, my feet are blister free and happy. As much as feet can be happy…

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New shoes and a new obligation

My mom came to town last night to take me shoe shopping. Normally, I would never go shoe shopping with my mother. I have somewhere over 20 pairs of shoes, mostly impractical, scuffed, second hand, and painful. Of course, she doesn’t understand the desire to have as many shoes as absolutely possible and, as mothers are, is really good at saying, “Are you sure you really need those?”

But, this is a special occasion, of sorts. And there was no way I was going to buy this pair of shoes without her help.

These are the shoes we bought:

They’re ASICS Gel-Kayano, and they were, unfortunately, the second most expensive pair in the store.

This is the story. I’m not really into sports much. I’m not good at them. When I played baseball as a 7 year old, my coach put me way out in the field where 7 year olds can’t hit the ball to. When I played soccer, I was left-outside.  In the last year I played (grade 8), I was the only person on my team to not score a goal. Besides that, I could never understand the team comraderie. I didn’t like the girls who were good at sports and they didn’t like me. And the boys… mostly just scared me.

So, come high school, I did all the artsy stuff instead. I was in band (oboe), the creative writing club (NOT fan-fiction), Faith Alive (until our teacher supervisor moved to a different school and the club died an agonizing death), and choir. I took English, music, art and history and dreaded the required grade 9 gym class.  For a while, it was fun.  And then I got sick of it all.

By grade 12, I wanted something new.  Of course, at that point, find a place on the soccer team or trying my hand at volleyball were laughable ideas.  Instead, I discovered the cross country club. I ran one race that year, came in second last with a time of 33 minutes for 5km, and was so proud of myself and excited about it that I joined the track team later that year. By that point, my motivation had dried up and stayed dried up until the winter of 2009, this year.

To give myself some credit, there has never been a year between now and then when I didn’t spend at least one week or two a couple times a year running steadily.  But my desire to run peaks pretty quickly and fades pretty quickly.

In January, for some odd reason, I decided to go for a run.  If I lived in California, it probably wouldn’t be so weird. I don’t.  I live in Canada. But, in January, I decided to go for a run and four months later, I’m still running regularly.  Granted, last week was a failure because I got sick and three weeks before that was not entirely successful either. I didn’t say running regularly meant running every day, or even every week.  But it’s still regularly.

And so, we come to real reason I bought the shoes.

My mom wants to run a half-marathon. (She did one last year.  She’s almost 49.  She is beyond amazing, if you ask me.)

With me.

Surprisingly, this thought doesn’t scare me too much, though I suspect that really, it should scare me a lot.  The half-marathon we’re going to do is at the end of September.  That’s not very much time to train. And until yesterday, I had shoes that squashed my arches flat or gave me a regular blister along the side of my foot.

Hopefully, these ASICS will provide new motivation.

If they don’t, I’m sure the fact that my mother put down the plastic for them will. Now, I have to run the half-marathon with her. I have been bought!

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